Support the Sisters

Where Every Gift Makes A Big Impact
Since their arrival in Oregon in 1882, the Sisters have ministered in many and various ways to the people of the area and beyond as teachers, nurses, retreat presenters, spiritual directors, cooks, seamstresses, gardeners, administrators, counselors, and social workers. They founded many parochial elementary schools, a high school for girls, a college, a nursing home, homeless shelter, and retreat center.
Although many of the Sisters are now retired, they continue to need your support. By donating to the Sisters and giving to their Retirement Fund, their Founder's Day Appeal and Century Club, you are helping support a community that has spent 140+ years serving others.
Cash or Check

Give a one-time gift of cash or check directly to the Benedictine Sisters.
Monthly Gifts

Easy, one-time set up with multiple options available. You control all the details.
Online Gifts

Make an online donation right now using any major debit or credit card.

Estate Gifts
Remember the Sisters in your will with gifts from your estate or trust.
Other Ways to Give
IRA Charitable Rollover and Meaningful Giving
For all of our friends who are at least 70½ years old, you can direct any amount of money, up to $100,00, tax free from your IRA to the Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel. This gift would greatly impact the continuing care of our Sisters and their ministries. Completing an IRA Charitable Rollover is very simple, and it's a smart and cost-effective way to make a major difference in the lives of the Sisters. It could also relieve your heirs of burdensome distribution and taxation rules. Contact the Development Office to learn more on IRA Charitable Rollovers.
Gift of Real Estate
By including the Benedictine Sister of Mt. Angel in your will (for a certain amount, a percentage of your estate, or a share of the residue), you can make a future gift to help support the work of the Benedictine Sisters. A bequest commitment allows you to defer a gift until after your lifetime, but gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you will be supporting a great organization and helping those in need through your will.
Gift of Life Insurance
Life insurance is something you can give at little cost to yourself. Contribute a life insurance policy you no longer need, and/or name us as a beneficiary. You receive a current income tax deduction and possible future deductions through gifts to pay policy premiums.
Gift of Retained Life Estate
You can make a charitable gift of your personal residence or farm but continue to live there. This change in ownership with retained occupancy provides a valuable charitable tax deduction and ensures lifetime use of the residence or property.
Contact Our Mission
Advancement Office
Please contact our Mission Advancement Office if you have any questions regarding gifts, donations, planned giving, or volunteering.
Michael F. Trevino
Director of Mission Advancement
(503) 845-2556
Sister Dorothy Jean Beyer
Donor Relations Officer
(503) 845-2556