Our History

A Story 140 Years in the Making
The Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel have a long history of service to the Church and the people of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Queen of Angels Monastery was founded in 1882 by Mother Bernardine Wachter, OSB, (pictured below) who led a group of Sisters and postulants from Switzerland to Oregon. The Sisters initially settled in Gervais, staying for awhile in an abandoned saloon. In 1887 the community acquired land in Mt. Angel and, with help from local folks, began building their permanent home, which would serve as a motherhouse and boarding school. The original building (pictured left) was completed in 1888.
In the early years, perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was a major focus of the Sisters. To meet the need for Catholic schools in western Oregon, teaching also became a primary ministry for the Sisters. Mt. Angel Academy was established as a boarding school for grade and high school students. Mt. Angel College specialized in teacher education, and later became a co-educational liberal arts college. Benedictine Sisters served in and operated parish schools throughout Oregon, as well as schools for Native American children in Oregon and British Columbia. They also did domestic work in the kitchen and laundry, and worked in the printing press at Mount Angel Abbey.
In partnership with the local community, the Sisters built and operated the Benedictine Nursing Center in 1957 to care for the elderly. During the 1960s and 1970s Mt. Angel Academy and Mt. Angel College closed, and fewer teachers were available for parish schools. Shalom Prayer Center, a retreat and spiritual renewal ministry operated by the Sisters, began in 1973, and continues as Shalom at the Monastery, using space for the retreat ministry in Agatha Hall, the Hospitality Center and the monastery.
The Sisters' long-standing commitment to the poor became a formal program in 1988 when the community established St. Joseph Shelter, which serves homeless families and individuals. Mission Benedict, operated in collaboration with Mount Angel Abbey and St. Mary Parish, also serves those in need in the local area with food boxes, clothing, and other emergency assistance. One of the college dorms, Bede Hall, was renovated as Casa Adele, for migrant farm laborers and their families. Due to fewer sisters available to administer the ministry to the homeless, in July, 2017, the Benedictine Sisters transferred the ministry to Catholic Community Services of Salem, Oregon.

A 1993 earthquake centered just a few miles east of Mt. Angel caused extensive damage to the Monastery, the former Academy building and the Sisters' Chapel. As a result, the latter two buildings were razed. A new, smaller Chapel and a hospitality center were built and were dedicated in 1998. At the same time, major improvements to the monastery buildings were completed.
Changes in health care prompted the Sisters' decision to transfer the Benedictine Nursing Center to the Providence Health System in 1998. Though the community no longer operates a school or nursing center, some Sisters are active in education and in parish work. A number of Sisters presently serve at Shalom at the Monastery and the Sisters’ hospitality ministries, as well as in the operation and administration of the Monastery.
In 2022, the sisters made the difficult decision to move out of Queen of Angels Monastery. By June, 2023, all of the sisters had moved either next door to Providence Benedictine Nursing Center's Orchard House (540 S. Main St.), or to Mount Angel Towers (1 Towers Ln.).
On December 26, 2023, the Benedictine Sisters completed the sale and transfer of the monastery at 840 S Main Street to Catholic Community Services of the Mid-Willamette Valley and Central Coast.

Historic Overview
by Sr. Dorothy Jean Beyer, OSB
October 30, 1882: Benedictine Sisters from Maria Rickenbach Convent in Switzerland arrive in Gervais, Oregon. They resided in the abandoned Matt’s Saloon because the convent school was not ready for them.Foundress: Sister Bernardine Wachter, OSB – see portrait on main display.
November 2, 1882: Several sisters went to teach at Grand Ronde Indian Reservation.
March 4, 1883: Sisters began teaching in the two classrooms of Saint Scholastica Academy, Gervais.
1884 -1888: Teaching ministry expands to Saint Mary, Mount Angel, Saint John, Oregon City and Saint Mary, Albany.
July 8, 1888: Sisters move to their new home, Convent Queen of Angels in Filmore (later named Mount Angel in 1893) and open Mount Angel Academy and Normal School, September 1888.
1892 - 1902
1893: Sequoia planted in front of the convent by Sister Protasia Schindler.
1894: Teaching ministry expands to Sacred Heart School in Portland.
February 18, 1895: Benedictine Sisters registered as a corporation in the State of Oregon.
1900: Sisters begin mission at Christie Residential School in Kakawis, British Columbia.
1902 & 1910: Expansion of teaching ministry to Saint Benedict School, (later Saint Luke) Woodburn and St. Agatha School in Portland.
1903: Addition of north wing to Convent Queen of Angels.
1904 & 1905: Louis and Clark Centennial, Portland and Saint Louis. Benedictine Sisters honored with a diploma for excellence in academic work. (see diploma on this wall).
1912: South wing and chapel added to convent. Separate Academy built.
1913: Anti-Catholic sentiment shown in publication of “Escaped Nun from Mt. Angel”. Libel suit followed with restitution made.
1914: World War I, anti-German sentiments. Families of sisters involved on both sides.
1914-1920: Jesuits appointed as chaplains. New constitution written by Jesuit Father William Deeney, S.J., to comply with new Canon Law.
1922, Solemnity of Corpus Christi: Sisters change from Maria Rickenbach headdress to “American style”.
1923: Oregon Legislature’s Garb Bill prohibits Catholic sisters from teaching in public schools. Holy Names Sisters take the State to the Supreme Court . . . and win!
1930: Sisters receive permission to receive Holy Communion daily rather than just once or twice a week.
October 30, 1932: 50th anniversary of the foundation of Convent Queen of Angels.
1932: Summer CCD program begins with sisters investing time throughout the state to instruct children in the faith.
July 11, 1935: Monastic breviaries were presented to the community. Gregorian Chant introduced.
1942: More teaching, Saint Paul, Silverton and Saint Mary, Shaw.
1945: Renovation of 1912 chapel completed.
1947: Wooden walk replaced; lawns planted; driveway paved in front of convent.
February 1, 1952: Queen of Angels joins the Federation of St. Gertrude, adopting federation constitution.
October 30, 1952: Administration building dedicated (later Shalom Prayer Center). Normal School extended to offer bachelor’s degree; men admitted in 1957.
1955 & 1958: Teaching mission expanded to Saint Edward, Lebanon, Oregon and Saint Joachin, Haywood, California.
January 1955: Health care ministry begun in Benedictine Village Home in Mount Angel. Benedictine Nursing Center on Main Street dedicated December 4, 1957. Gerontology program, the first in the nation, is established with Mt. Angel College.
1958: Divine Office in English.
December 1, 1960: Construction begins on Marmion Hall and Commons of Mount Angel College.
Ministry with Mexican Migrants, Dutch Indonesians.
1960: Withdrawal from ministry at Indian Residential School, Kakawis, B.C., Canada.
October 1962: The great windstorm (Columbus Day). Major damage to grove and buildings.
1963: Dairy, chickens, and farm operations discontinued.
1962-1965: Vatican Council II; sisters called to recapture spirit of the founders, Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica.
June 1964: Last class graduated from Mt. Angel Academy. Building renamed Howard Hall.
1964: Height in numbers of professed sisters: 144
1965: Bede and Bernard Halls built for men’s dormitories for Mount Angel College.
1966: Separate incorporations of Mt. Angel College and Benedictine Nursing Center.
1966: First Mt. Angel Oktoberfest.Sisters participate with bread booth.
1973: Mt. Angel College closed. Colegio Cesar Chavez took over some of the college buildings.
1973: Shalom Prayer Center started in Howard Hall (former Academy), moved to the college administration building in 1976.
January 1974: Benedictine Child Development Center started in college administration building.
October 2, 1974: House of Bread Monastery started in Nanaimo, B.C., Canada.
1975: After the fall of Saigon, Vietnamese refugees arrive in Mount Angel and housed in Oktoberfest building. Sisters, monks, and seminarians assist.
1975: Oblate Program begun.
1980: Benedictine Foundation of Oregon incorporated.
October 30, 1982: Convent Queen of Angels and Mount Angel Abbey celebrate centennial. Abbot Primate joins for the celebration. Second sequoia planted.
1984: The Mount Angel College Commons, Marmion, Bede and Bernard Halls return to sisters, through a donor’s generosity.
1986: Convent North Wing renovated. Sisters buy into Social Security and gain health insurance for the sisters.
1988: St. Joseph Shelter and Mission Benedict started in former college dormitories.
1988: First Harvest Fair, continued until 1998.
1989: Name changed from Convent Queen of Angels to Queen of Angels Monastery, reclaiming monastic heritage.
March 25, 1993: the “Annunciation” earthquake, damaging all buildings, especially the 1912 chapel.
April 1993: Giant sequoia designated a city landmark.
1996: Monastery Center Wing renovated.
1997: Howard Hall (original Academy) and 1912 Chapel demolished.
August 16, 1998. Dedication of the new chapel and hospitality center.
2004: Giant sequoia designated as Oregon Heritage Tree.
2005: Lease of Casey Commons to Father Bernard Youth Center.
2006: Separate incorporation of St. Joseph Shelter/Mission Benedict and Shalom Prayer Center.
2007: Queen of Angels Monastery and Mount Angel Abbey celebrate 125th anniversary of 1882 foundation.
2012 – 2022
2012: Labyrinth constructed at the west end of Shalom Prayer Center.
2012: Renovation of Bede Hall for farm laborers and renamed Casa Adele.
2017: Sisters transfer the ministries of St. Joseph Shelter, Mission Benedict and Casa Adele to Catholic Community Services of Salem, Oregon. The mission continues.
2017: Shalom Prayer Center moved to the monastery, Shalom at the Monastery retreat ministry.
2023 – Present
2023: Sisters move to Providence Benedictine Nursing Center’s assisted living facility, Orchard House; Mount Angel Towers and Providence Emilie Court (Spokane) as their new residences. The sisters continue their monastic life.
2023: Sisters use offices in the south wing of the monastery for administration, finances, development and retreat ministry.
2023: Sisters continue their retreat ministry, Shalom at the Monastery, in the monastery.
2023: Sisters continue their oblate program.
December 26, 2023: The official closing of the sale of Queen of Angels Monastery buildings and land to Catholic Community Services (CCS) of Salem, Oregon. The ministries of the Benedictine Sisters will continue through CCS in the form of Mission Benedict and St. Joseph Shelter.
March 20, 2024: Monastery Transfer Ritual Ceremony, held in the monastery chapel, with many invited guests.
September 2024 to the present:Plans for three core youth and family ministries of CCS to use monastery buildings. St. Joseph Family Transitional Living Community in the north wing of the monastery; Mission Benedict Food & Clothing Pantry in the monastery’s “carpentry shop”, Father Taaffe Home & Pregnancy Support Services in the two “guest houses”.Chesterton Academy and the Father Bernard Youth Center will continue on the campus, through leases with CCS.