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February 28, 2021 - The Second Sunday of Lent

Writer's picture: Sr. Maureen Niedermeyer, OSBSr. Maureen Niedermeyer, OSB

“I will walk before the Lord, in the land of the living.”

Psalm 116


Genesis 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18

Romans 8:31b-34

Mark 9:2-10


by Sister Maureen Niedermeyer, OSB

In today’s reading, Abraham is put to the ultimate test. I have many questions about this story. Did Sara know about God’s request and what was her response? What are we being asked to offer, to give up or give away? How is our faith being tested by unpredictable or catastrophic challenge? What is the most precious thing God might ask of me and will I be willing to give my consent? I believe I will have the grace to say “YES” to God, but not without a struggle. We all depend on God for the strength to answer His call with faith and an open, willing heart.

The Epistle reminds us that as God did not spare His own son whom He loved without measure, so He also will give us everything we need, especially in this tense time of COVID and huge storms. Our fear can be changed to trust and peace because Jesus is our intercessor.

All of us are given some time to be on a mountaintop to see the glory of God, and to bask in the beauty and wonder of His presence. We relish these times! Was this overwhelming mystery meant to prepare the apostles for the torture and execution that would come to Jesus? We must gradually descend the beauty of the mountain to a place of some pain and fear, but the memory of God’s glory goes with us in our hearts. We are never alone because Jesus walks with us into our future which is full of comfort and light. We, too, will gradually be transformed as Christ was in the presence of His Father.

From the Rule of St. Benedict

“What is more delightful than the voice of the Lord calling to us? See how the Lord in his love shows us the way of life.” Prologue vs. 19 – 20

Gospel Acclamation

“From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard: this is my beloved Son, listen to Him." Cf. Matthew 17:5


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Queen of Angels Monastery
840 South Main Street
Mount Angel, Oregon 97362
Main - (503) 845-6141
Mission Advancement - (503) 845-2556

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Queen of Angels Monastery is a community of Benedictine Sisters in Mt. Angel, Oregon. They are women who have responded to the call to live in community according to the Gospel and the Rule of St. Benedict. Together they seek God in a balanced life of prayer and work, simplicity, hospitality, and service.

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