“Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.”
Psalm 72:11

Isaiah 60:1-6,
Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6,
Matthew 2:1-12
by Sister Joseph Fennimore, OSB
Some years ago, I picked up a book by Fr. Henri Nouwen titled, “The Road to Daybreak.” As I got into it, I realized its contents spoke to what I was wrestling with and going through. It gave me insights and answers to questions I was struggling with. The contents proved to be light for my spiritual journey at that time. Many people have told me they have gone through similar happenings. They have suddenly come across reading material that gave them the answers and spiritual light that helped them maneuver the difficulties and demands they were meeting at that particular moment.
These moments of light can be likened to the star and its light that guided the three kings in their journey to Bethlehem. This star they discovered was the light given to assist them to seek and find Jesus. It first led them to Jerusalem where they were given more information, more light, through Herod’s chief priests and scribes. With this knowledge they were able to set out for Bethlehem with the star reappearing, moving and shining more brightly until it stopped over the house where the Holy Family was. This light led them to Jesus, the king not only of the Jews but of the Gentiles, that is everyone.
The feast of the Epiphany has always been celebrated as the time when all peoples are welcomed and saved by Christ. Jesus came to the Jews on Christmas, but he came for all peoples and nations on the Epiphany, which is the manifestation of the saving Jesus to all the world. As more and more different nations and cultures come into our lives, can we be more open and welcoming?
From the Rule of St. Benedict
“What page, what passage of the inspired books of the Old and New Testaments
is not the truest of guides for human life?” Chapter 73:3
Gospel Acclamation
“We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” Matthew 2:2