"May your kindness, O Lord, be upon us
who have put our hope in you."
Psalm 33:22
Photo: Spring came early to the monastery gardens this year.
by Sister Dorothy Jean Beyer, OSB
As we begin this Second Week of Lent with the Sunday readings as our guideposts, we are reminded how important it is to listen to God with attentive hearts.
What distracts you from listening to God? Whatever it is, be free and open your heart to the life-giving words of our loving God. If you do, you will change in surprising ways.
What can I do to create a space in my life, so that I am more attentive to the voice of God? What is God asking of me this Lent? Listen… and you will know.
“Listen carefully, my son, my daughter, to the master’s instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart.” RB Prologue v. 1a
Gospel Acclamation:
“From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard:
This is my beloved Son, listen to him.”
Matthew 17:5