“The Lord is my shepherd….
He refreshes my soul…..
Gives me courage……
All the days of my life!" Psalm 23
Acts of the Apostles 2:14a, 36-41
First Letter of Saint Peter 2:20b-25
Gospel According to John 10:1-10
by Sister Jane Hibbard, SNJM
This Sunday is rich with possibilities for reflection. Besides the Easter readings, it is the first Sunday of May, the month dedicated to our Mother Mary. The image we chose to celebrate this week is the icon written and displayed here at the Monastery of the PROTECTIVE VEIL OF THE MOTHER OF GOD.
Imagine Jesus the Good Shepherd (I KNOW mine and mine know me), and Mary’s Protective Veil keeping you and all those you love safe. Spend some time soaking up the deep reality of how well cared for we are, even in this time of uncertainty and this time between times. We are literally dependent and not sure where this nasty virus will take us. We hope and pray.
Jesus says: I CAME SO THAT THEY MAY HAVE LIFE AND HAVE IT MORE ABUNDANTLY. Depend on it! And depend on the gracious intercession of the Mother of God during her special month. With Pope Frances, let us pray the rosary everyday as we listen and watch for “the new normal.”
“To be worthy of the task of governing a monastery, the abbot must always remember what his title signifies and act as a superior should. He is believed to hold the place of Christ in the monastery, since he is addressed by a title of Christ, as the Apostle indicates: You have received the spirit of adoption of sons/daughters by which we exclaim, abba, father.(Rom.8:15)” (Rule of St. Benedict 2: 1-3)
Gospel Acclamation
“I am the good shepherd, say the Lord;
I know my sheep, and mine know me.”
John 10:14